MLTC Facility

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People living at Mississauga Long Term Care Facility pay a fee for accommodation. This fee is based on the type of room they reside in. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care sets the room rates for all long-term care homes in Ontario and this information can be found at the Ministry of Long Term Care’s website.

Preferred Accommodation is the term used to describe private rooms. Semi-Private, Basic or Standard Accommodation are terms used to describe shared rooms.

The accommodation type you choose determines the monthly rate. The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care funds and regulates the nursing care, and related programs and services for residents of Long-Term Care Homes.

Private Accommodation

There are many advantages to private accommodation such as having your own bathroom, no concerns of disturbing others, or being disturbed by others while enjoying your preferred routines (reading, listening to music, watching TV, etc.). In addition, having a private room allows visitors to visit without troubling other residents. Private accommodation has an additional cost, however those wishing to gain more freedom may find that this style of accommodation is worth it.

Semi-Private Accommodation

Rooms that fall under this type of accommodation have two residents sharing one room and some are equipped with one bathroom.

Basic Accommodation

Basic accommodation are rooms with three or more residents. Care is placed in selecting roommates to the best of our ability, as we strive to meet the social needs of our residents.

Here is a letter we received at the start of 2018 from one of our family members. Click on the image to enlarge or click here to see a flattened version of this letter.