People living at Mississauga Long Term Care Facility pay a fee for accommodation. This fee is based on the type of room they reside in. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care sets the room rates for all long-term care homes in Ontario and this information can be found at the Ministry of Long Term Care’s website.
Preferred Accommodation is the term used to describe private rooms. Semi-Private, Basic or Standard Accommodation are terms used to describe shared rooms.
The accommodation type you choose determines the monthly rate. The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care funds and regulates the nursing care, and related programs and services for residents of Long-Term Care Homes.

Private Accommodation
Semi-Private Accommodation
Basic Accommodation
Here is a letter we received at the start of 2018 from one of our family members. Click on the image to enlarge or click here to see a flattened version of this letter.